With almost all the historical foundations, within a legal, institutional, cultural and political order, the post-war paradox is to find leaders who lead the destinies of the population, who were colonized and who, after bloody internal civil strife, achieved their independence. A leader, above all, is a person who enjoys human virtuality and recognition given his voluntarism, scientific knowledge of the work area and social morality. Thus, in the process of rebuilding a devastated nation, by famine and war, from different types of organizations, the new state will be temporarily administered and led by servers and in which world figures commissioned for such purposes will participate, and that of local organizations; From there, they will be drawing the guidelines and distinguishing trustworthy and capable people to be leaders of this new nation. We cannot give ourselves INSTITUTIONALITY as a free state, if we are not temporally and spatially organized; for this, territorial UNITY and human SOLIDARITY must prevail. This time, the good as a mission of the State, had to set aside political legitimacy, and found cities with their own identity, and with human reason, not only cognitive, but also operational, where the new political science will have as its main objectives, a new arrangement among the men who inhabit this territory, in this context, the rehabilitation of Man and led to normal situations, was an arduous task. Only God could. The same man must cross the threshold of being, to place himself once again on the axis of the earthly universe, and place the person as the center of all activities. Once again, it has "hit rock bottom".


A war not only destroys the material, but also intoxicates the spirit of those who directly participate in the events, as well as those who are not involved. Reconstructing a nation, from the material and ethical, takes effort and time, and they must ensure social peace that guarantees virtuous coexistence; rebuild the spirit and the national being, much more.

For the material, patriotism and a strong environmental will are combined. For the social being and the national being, the person must be valued as a created being, establish ethical-moral guidelines, contemplate history and plan for the future. The material reconstruction is a matter of engineers, architects, politicians; The moral reinforcement of the national being is a much more complex task that escapes the political and legal instructor and summons professionals of the human psyche and doctors of the soul.

The paradox in this state of affairs is feeding and stimulating newborns correctly, and educating and giving work to adults; everything must be done at the same time, establishing priorities, for its concretion.


The colonized nation was destroyed. The culture of the grim reaper begins to adulterate reality. The native man was a being with no will of his own, very close to death. Their children, they roamed like wild dogs in the streets. Their bellies swollen from malnutrition and parasitism, their skulls large and bulging, did not seem to match the normal pine. The settler families combined their lives with the aborigines, since they were also "beneficiaries" of the implemented policy, and came to inhabit the promised land. The plan systematized by those who have usurped power during the duration of the invasion, for the sake of unscrupulous exploitation of the nation's mineral, vegetable, and human wealth had given its "fruits." They established a zombie pattern, for the development of man, so that it would only serve to work in the gold mines, whose exploitation was exported to the "mother country", knowingly and with complicity, from all over the world.

The plan was perfect, projected in a framework of absolute evil, gave the desired results. The mother, detected six months before the birth, was kept in the most absolute starvation. The diet, based on natural plant roots, based on a "certain" native cult, only kept them alive, to give birth to the new being. Internal parasites and venereal diseases promoted poor nutrition, wreaked havoc on the fetus. The newborn was placed at the disposal of the colonial state. They would take care of their food until the third year of life. During the first 24 months, they were given a type of drink based on goat milk, whose dosage was as follows: 30% milk, 30% cane alcohol, 30% water, and the rest a type of brown sugar. of low quality, which produced a light, tea-colored drink, similar to a watered-down chocolate. The quantity did not hold back, the quality was deadly. The drink caused great damage to the brains of the newborns, the future "zombie-men" were being created.

…….the human brain at birth weighs about 300 grams, after a year of life, its weight reaches about 1000 grams. and to its adulthood (period that goes from the 16 years to the 40 years) and in its maximum development it takes a weight of about 1,300 gs. For this reason, a healthy diet is recommended in the first years of the child's life (Dr. ALBINO, Abel – "What happened to us"- Conference)

The solar ortho was revealed. It seemed to be a normal day. Each one knew exactly what to do. The green truck, how it distributed and provided the drink daily; the mothers as if tormented rushed to their search. And the popular armies attacked. The day ended, balances were made on both sides. The losses were heavy. The only smell was of burnt meat and the silence was like looted cemeteries. New charge of gunpowder, more and more war. The colonizing army arrived at the port, navy ships were waiting to transport them to the "mother country"; desolate "zombie-men" roamed the mountains, the steppes and the devastated cities. It was the beginning of the end.


With the war over and every colonizing "pirate" removed from the territory, a United Nations 

commission arrived, accompanied by notable scientists, doctors, engineers, psychologists, 

lawyers, politicians, pastors and clergymen, who together with native leaders, make up a commission, to manage the post-war national reconstruction process and initiate the reordering of the state. Once the arduous task of this commission is underway, the light of a new day begins in the original Country. In the first place, they worked for the health and nutrition of the people, especially the children, having the "zombie-men" as the axis of recovery, dislocated in a mismatched world aimlessly and almost lifeless; secondly, they devoted themselves to the reconstruction of building infrastructure, roads, railways, factories, homes, hospitals, etc.; and later, the professionals of the political-social issue, put their hands to work to give institutionality to the reconquered territory, through the creation of a system of self-government. To all this we must emphasize that the natives, grouped into primordial tribes, had their own leaders, and chiefs, ancestral histories and different realities, for which reason it was necessary to "harmonize" and coordinate with them, forming the new republic with the thought, indigenous beliefs and customs. This is how the new state grew, with a lot of participation and intelligence.

Emergence of a Leader:

a) His qualities

As soon as the war was over, behind a destroyed church, which had served as a parapet for the active militias, the "rest" of what was the 3rd "F" Command stood out, led by its chief, Jafet MUARTI, a lawyer received in one of the most prestigious universities in the center of the world, the son of a tribal chief, who was educated as a child to serve the country, spoke three local dialects, the language of the colonizer and perfect English. Intelligent and active, he acquired vast knowledge not only of his profession, but of how the world works, social and political relations; aware of the link between ethics and politics, through the virtues; he was very strong since he was a child and acquired very good athletic condition by virtue of methodical and daily sports practices. A professed Catholic, he was the one who prayed at bedtime. His mission, entrusted and inspired by the word of GOD, was to free the country from the foreign yoke, implementing a political-social activism, which he began with six fellow students, several childhood friends, and other recruits from different social fields.

b) Their problems during the process of recovery of the territory

A bomb that exploded very close, reduced his vision, for which reason the command had assigned him an assistant for his activities. That afternoon, they surveyed their own troops, there were only twelve, thirty had died, five shot and the same in hospitals, with serious injuries. They left slowly, Jafet got up with the help of his assistant, and indicated the way, down a wide, dusty and still hot street. The sun fell on his forehead. Fate, his small homeland, the tribe where his father was. Walking the road for three long days, they were able to observe the human, ecological and building disaster that the war had left behind. Mutilated bodies, children clinging to the semi-naked torsos of their mothers, people stunned and totally lost, buildings destroyed, villages burned. The picture was "dantesque", you can imagine, how humiliating, painful, and unrepeatable of the situation; the images in ocher color were stamped on the retinas of Jafet and his companions. When they arrived, their village was still burning, their father lay dying in a field hospital. Almost half of the population decimated. The tribal chiefs met urgently and were summoned by the commission constituted for such purposes.


Jafet's personality grew, exalting his race, he was highlighted among all, anointed as the new political leader and driver, made his dream work. His level of knowledge and preparation, during his educational instruction and the information received in his political militancy, made him great among the greats of all the tribes and communes of the country. His wisdom, his permanent kindness, his outstanding prudence, his exalted and proud character, were the essential virtues in this space of time, which with docility, solucrity and reasoning, served him first to lead the civic-military command group and to convert, then in the new leader for the re-construction of the Homeland.


As a good leader, with imperative prudence and high moral virtues, he knew how to make decisions and accept the consequences that could transcend. I turn crises into opportunities and learned from mistakes;

He became an example of excellence, he knew how to define the specific objectives that his group had to achieve, and he coordinated synergies. He built strengths among his colleagues, which lasted over time;

I enhance their humility, empathy, I provide confidence and I always try to reach points of consensus in diversity, through the participation of all members;

He fostered talent, both collective and individual, imbued with his communication and motivational skills;

I encourage friendship, fraternity and cohesion of the commando group that I integrate; He knew how to organize, promote, develop and sustain HARMONY, in social relations;

A born observer, he acquired for himself a high level of knowledge of the group he was leading, promoting teamwork;

He was permanently learning, trying to update himself on the socio-economic and socio-political problems, not only of his country, but of the known world;

Subordinated to justice, as a man of law, and a friend of politics due to his active militancy; I develop virtues such as mercy, benevolence, affability, courtesy and beneficence;

He knew how to lead the subjects to the common good, with invested authority and the hand of political prudence, with empire and order to the social community;

His acts of life and struggle, based on his ancestral roots and his love for JESUS, made him grow even more; economically valued by the teachings of the outside world, both of what is known and what is apprehended.


With firm steps, self-confident and always clinging to his faith in GOD, his actions inspired others to dream deeply, learn more, do more and be better every day, knowing his peers and popular demands well, generated and demanding loyalty, respect, mutual trust, showed and valued interest in the human person, inspired by divine conception; always imbued with enthusiasm, love of neighbor, positivism, optimism and security, which his course was the libertarian dream of his people. He convinced the others to follow him, thus JAFET, was building his leadership; and their homeland was great and its people free, men again acquired the quality of persons, children grew healthy and strong, young people planned lives with a future and the elderly lived a better world, to such an end that they reached the heavens of the world and It was there that he obtained his coronation: ETHICAL LEADER of the country, distinguished for his goodness, wisdom and character.
